How  the Cool Kids Use #SocialMedia to Achieve #Business Goals | Business Improvement and Social media |

Take a moment and think back to high school. Remember the "cool kids"? You know... the popular ones everyone wanted to be like, the ones who managed to stay ahead of the trends that everyone later followed in hopes of being cool. Unless you were one of the few chosen ones, there was almost nothing you could do to achieve their status.

But I have encouraging news for the older you: I am going to illustrate how your "cooler" peers are using social media today, and you'll see that it won't take much for you to tap into what makes them cool.

Every good social media plan starts by focusing on where you want to end up. Your goals dictate the objectives and detailed execution plans to achieve them. Most social plans still center on increasing brand awareness and building business. As it turns out, though, the cool kids are using social for much more.

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Via Daniel Watson