How The Most Creative People In #Business Generate New Ideas | Business Improvement and Social media |

The 100 people on 2015's Most Creative People in Business list have achieved impressive breakthroughs across a wide swath of industries: finding a possible cure for Ebola, using drone technology to help save endangered animals, modeling jet engines with 3-D printers.


None of these breakthroughs came from resting easy on outdated ideas or settling into familiar ruts. And yet, even this illustrious group admits to getting stuck and actively seeking grist for the mill. So we put the following question to the group: Where or from whom do you seek out inspiration? What do you do when you're in a rut? And most importantly, how do you keep new ideas flowing? Here's what some of them had to say—if you try them out yourself, one each day of the work week, you'll have almost a month of options to help spark some creative new ideas of your own.

Via The Learning Factor