How to Use Pinterest to Promote Your Products | Social Media Examiner | Business Improvement and Social media |

Is your business on Pinterest?

Or are you still unsure how to use Pinterest to effectively promote your products or company?


In November, Pinterest launched business pages with their new terms of service. This update lets you use Pinterest commercially.

You can promote your products, generate sales and leads and use it for other commercial purposes without any worries.


But first, you may want to convert your personal profile into a business account (or if you don’t have a personal account, just start fresh with one for business).

Here are some tips on how you can take advantage of this update and use Pinterest commercially to promote your business.


#1: Promote Holiday Products
A great way to drive sales is to create boards where you pin holiday products.

#2: Group Products Around a Theme
Another creative way of using your Pinterest brand page is to promote your products using a theme.

#3: Highlight Your Popular Products
People like popular products. When they know that a product is selling well and everyone else is buying it, they want to get a hold of it before they miss out.

#4: Generate Leads
Another way to use your Pinterest page is to generate leads.

#5: Build an Audience and Then Sell
The ultimate goal of your campaign is to generate leads and sales for your services and products

Via John van den Brink