Social Media Tools and Technology-101 magic tools and technology tips | Business Improvement and Social media |
Here are 101 fantastic social media technology tool tips that you can use to promote your business on social media.


Are you looking for some tools and tips related to social media tools and technology?


Want to add a bit of magic to your social media marketing?


As we specialise in tools and technology we come across great tips and tools every day.


From the list below we guarantee you will find something very useful for your business.


Are you looking for some tools and tips related to social media tools and technology?

Want to add a bit of magic to your social media marketing?

As we specialise in tools and technology we come across great tips and tools every day.

From the list below we guarantee you will find something very useful for your business.

Here are 101 Social Media Tools and Technology tips to help your business.


 SEO & Blogging

1.  The title tag is the most important part of your optimization for your blog post.  Spend time ensuring it’s good.  Words at the beginning of a title have more weight from a Google perspective than words at the end so choose them wisely.

2. Google used to look at meta tag keywords but doesn’t any more so don’t waste your time on them.

3. If you’re in doubt about which software platform to use for blogging go with WordPress.  That’s what the biggest blogs use so why don’t you use it?

4. If you are using WordPress make sure you set up your page names to include keywords.  By default they don’t.  This is important for SEO.

5. Link to other relevant blog posts on your blog using relevant keywords.  Linking from external websites to yours is useful but internal linking is also valuable.  Try to link to at least a couple of blog posts on your site.

6.  Use the google site command to find out all the page titles and descriptions for all the posts on your website (e.g. go to google search and type site:”name of your website”)

7. Read these tips for improving what Google indexes on your site.

8. Use Google Advanced Search to find guest post opportunities.

9.  Make sure you have a sitemap created for your blog but also make sure you have a video sitemap.  Both give Google more details of what you have on your site.  With a video sitemap, even if your videos are on youtube, google will index the videos on your site.


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Via Martin Gysler, Joshua OCock