* Free app includes 2 free books: 20,000 Leagues Under the Sea by Jules Verne and Oliver Twist by Charles Dickens.
* Rock the vocab sections of the SAT, ACT, GRE, TOEFL and more, or excel in English class or just build an impressive vocabulary through the classics.
* In-app purchase of 100 additional classic books like Sherlock Holmes and The Scarlet Letter, just to name a few.
* Browse vocabulary words that appear in each chapter along with definition. Click for the sentence.
* Learn section shows you a sentence from the chapter and lets you figure out what the boldfaced vocab word means based on the context. Tap for its definition and swipe to move on.
* Quiz has tons of sentence completion questions that use real sentences from the selected chapter and vocabulary from the book as answer choices.
* “Tap for hint” to get the definition of the answer word.
* Earn points for correct answers (5x the difficulty level if correct on first attempt, 3x difficulty if correct on second attempt).
* Set your difficulty level and see only challenging words.
* Check your points status in the progress page.
* Average of 500 vocab words and 1000 sentence completion questions for each book.