Tip of the Week - MAKE YOUR SCOOP VISUAL! | E-Learning-Inclusivo (Mashup) |

One of the best features of is the ability to add so many types of visual content to your scoops, images, videos, infographic, charts, maps, SlideShares and the list goes on.


Over the years I've tested using small images beside the text or using a full size image with text below. I have found that using a full size image not only gets the scoop more clicks but also more rescoops.


Try a video and have your reader stick around and maybe give your a rescoop. Like I did when I saw this great scoop that @Tyler Negus Snidow found on The New York Times site.

 I was what they call in America an asshole." Do what you want to do. | Slomo

You only have seconds to grab your readers attention, make those seconds visual!

Via Brian Yanish -, Jeff Domansky