Teacher and Learner Roles Change in 1:1 Personalized Learning Environments | E-Learning-Inclusivo (Mashup) | Scoop.it

Technology, especially mobile devices, allows learning to feel more personal. Being connected to the content with these devices offers opportunities for anyone to learn anywhere anytime. Yet, just providing technology to learners doesn’t mean that learning is personalized.


Teacher and learner roles change in a Stage One Persoanlized Learning Environment (PLE).


- Knows how the learner learns best.
- Redesigns the learning environment.
- Integrates technology.
- Designs assessment strategies.
- Recognizes high-quality resources.


- Establishes learning goals with teacher.
- Creates a personal learning plan.
- Chooses how to access content.
- Has a voice expressing what they know.
- Selects the way to engage with content.


Read more about teachers and learners roles changing in a PLE!

Via Kathleen McClaskey