A Flipped-Up Twitter Feed with Only The Good Stuff In It: Vellum | E-Learning-Inclusivo (Mashup) | Scoop.it

From Robin Good's insight:

"Vellum is a new free web app born out of a quick experiment at the New York Times R&D labs which allows you to see all of the most relevant Twitter stories coming from the people you follow, stripped of their commentary and showing their original title, description and source.

Vellum filters out text only tweets that contain no links, eliminates duplicates and surfaces only those tweets that have already been retweeted by multiple people.

An excellent news discovery tool for content curators..."

Read full and interesting Robin Good's insight below.

Try it out now: http://vellum.nytlabs.com/mylinks 

More info:


Via Robin Good, Giuseppe Mauriello, malek