Future of Libraries via the Knight Foundation - 10 video interviews | E-Learning-Inclusivo (Mashup) | Scoop.it

"During a Knight conference exploring the role of libraries in the digital world, we interviewed library directors from eight communities - Philadelphia, St. Paul, Macon, Charlotte, Miami, Akron, San Jose and Detroit - to ask these questions and more.

Hear what library directors from these communities say are their biggest successes and listen to insights in how they’re addressing challenges.

In these videos, library directors also share what projects they’ve developed to help better serve their communities. The Free Library of Philadelphia, for example, was able to involve itself more deeply in communities by creating hot spots in areas with limited digital access."


Interviews with:

James Crawford, Google Books
Siobhan A. Reardon, Philadelphia
Kit Hadley, Saint Paul
Thomas Jones, Macon
Karen Beach, Charlotte
Raymond Santiago, Miami
David Jennings, Akron
Jane Light, San Jose
Doug Dotterer, Stow-Munroe
Juliet Machie, Detroit

Via Karen du Toit, Gerrit Visser, Joao Brogueira