Educating for Democracy: What We Can Do :: National Writing Project | E-Learning-Inclusivo (Mashup) |

"...we are thrilled to announce the new Educating for Democracy Deep Dive developed by the Teaching Channel and the Civic Engagement Research Group at the University of California, Riverside. The Deep Dive is a curated collection of videos accompanied by educational resources, blogs, and articles related to preparing youth for civic and political life in the digital age. It provides educators with the opportunity to see key aspects of civic learning and digital media learning in action. It also provides avenues for educators and their students to explore the ways in which our civic, political, and digital lives are inextricably linked in the 21st century.

"For example, there are videos and resources that highlight various ways educators can integrate civic learning in line with the following essential questions:

-INVESTIGATION & RESEARCH: How do I help students research issues that matter to them?
-CIVIC KNOWLEDGE: How do I help further students’ civic knowledge and understanding?
-DISCUSSION: How do I help students have productive discussions about current and controversial issues?
-VOICE: How can students voice their perspective on issues that matter to them?
-ACTION: What are effective ways to take action in the digital age?
-LEARN MORE: Where can I learn more and find resources?"

Via Jim Lerman