Personalized Learning: Are You Ready? | E-Learning-Inclusivo (Mashup) |
A Generation of Personalized Learners  
The data from the 2011 Speak Up survey  demonstrates that by very young ages, students are using digital and, more increasingly, mobile technologies to collaborate with their peers.


What is Personalized Learning?


A personalized learning environment is one that puts a learner in control of her pathway. She becomes empowered to make choices about how she learns, what she learns, and how she demonstrates her proficiencies.


She is empowered to use the tools that are relevant to her and to express her findings through a variety of media. She is encouraged to share her work and to leverage the feedback of her community, of which she views herself a part, to improve her knowledge.


She views learning as a lifelong journey and sees the value in connecting what is produces today with where she will be five or twenty years from now.






Pezonalized Learning is working great, I did it with adults (25-75 years old) for 8 years long with 10 persons and 10 computers. It is possible and for me the best method of learning as the instructor works as a guide (a coach) who obeserves how the taught is getting made into practice and lets work the people in a group where anyone helps the other(s), learning by doing, dynamic in the class, knowledge transfer also by learners to learners (social learning), which gives also motivation to the learners to continue learning at home on their own pace, you don't even need to tell them to make homework as they have fun to learn and the success is guaranteed... I came out with 95-96% success of how the learners understood the taught, that is great! 


After a certain time I checked back the taught by observing again how the learners did in practice by walking through the class and observing each alone on how they did on the computer, so I realized and saw the way they used to get to the final result... This showed me where I had to teach more, which I did by switching on the beamer and where I explained it again, on a different way as previous one, and so they learnt on the best possible way; they learned to have competencies, they were able to work alone! And even to teach the learnt to others ;)





Via Gust MEES