The Best Of Fritz Kahn, The Grandfather of Data Visualization | E-Learning-Inclusivo (Mashup) |

Born in 1888, German scientist, doctor, and author Fritz Kahn was the grandfather of modern data visualization.

We’re in the golden age of infographicw, where charts, graphs, and maps transform dense and dry facts into eye candy, and the Internet can’t get enough. But where did this data-viz craze begin?

Born in 1888, German scientist, doctor, and author Fritz Kahn was the grandfather of modern data visualization. A new 390-page monograph of Kahn’s work, published by Taschen, takes readers into an illustrated world that features winged fish, insect-size parachutists, and blood cells used as boats. Surreal as these scenes seem, they're actually meant to visualize scientific facts...

Via Lauren Moss, Stelios Kessanidis