Deciding how to accommodate a student’s disability isn’t easy | University Affairs | E-Learning-Inclusivo (Mashup) |
Experts at an international summit advise more prudence in bestowing accommodations.


Summary from Academica Top Ten - 24 July 2014

Disability experts urge “prudence” when providing accommodations

More than 400 disability experts met in Ottawa July 12–15 to discuss topics including accessibility innovations, employment strategies, and the challenges of helping persons with psychiatric disabilities. One theme that emerged from the conference was the need for greater prudence when offering accommodations to students at PSE institutions. Manju Banerjee, Director of the Landmark College Institute for Research and Training in Vermont, said that many students are labeled as having disabilities but would benefit more from instruction on study habits than academic accommodations. Larry McCloskey, Director of Carleton’s Paul Menton Centre for Students with Disabilities, agreed that some students who feel they are “entitled” to accommodations would benefit more from being taught better time management and learning strategies. Other speakers noted that some students who receive accommodations during university are surprised when they do not receive the same consideration in the workforce, and suggested that sustainable skill development is critical. University Affairs

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