Introducing the Whole Person Index – Postcards from 2035  | Help and Support everybody around the world |
In your world, you strive towards individualism: more credentials, more stuff, more recognition, more things that show the world how successful you are. In our world, the only thing we strive toward is holism. That basically means we celebrate collectives rather than individuals; the whole is bigger than the sum of its parts. Left thinking teaches ‘parts of whole things’; right thinking teaches ‘whole things.’ So we never measure our success as individuals. We don’t get grades, we don’t win medals and we don’t display status symbols. The only public display of our success is our Whole Person Index, which forms a part of our digital identity — our Trust Cloud.
Every individual’s Whole Person Index is a ratio of a range of inputs and variables that are constantly updated and recalculated. Our devices, our clothes and sensors all over the world record and track data about every aspect of our well-being. I understand that you’re uncomfortable with data collection, but that’s only because in your world, data is collected by others. In our world we collect and own our own data. The more we collect, the better we can analyse and improve — ourselves and our world.

Via David Hain