Social Networking Sites May Be Controlling Your Mind – Here's How to Take Charge | Help and Support everybody around the world |

Users must decide if the benefits of these sites outweigh their costs, but can that decision be made freely if social networking sites are potentially addictive?

How can you live the life you want to, avoiding the distractions and manipulations of others? To do so, you need to know how you work. “Know thyself”, the Ancients urged. Sadly, we are often bad at this.

But by contrast, others know us increasingly well. Our intelligence, sexual orientation—and much more—can be computed from our Facebook likes. Machines, using data from our digital footprint, are better judges of our personality than our friends and family. Soon, artificial intelligence, using our social network data, will know even more. The 21st-century challenge will be how to live when others know us better than we know ourselves.

Via Miloš Bajčetić