Do These 5 Emotionally Intelligent Things Within 5 Minutes Of Meeting Someone | Help and Support everybody around the world |

What’s the point of networking if not to get other people to like you? Sure, you need new contacts to see you as interesting, competent, professional, and potentially valuable to them—but if they don’t also find you likeable, nobody will feel motivated to reach out later and work with you.


The reason why all comes down to emotional intelligence, the set of skills and qualities that allow people to form deeper, closer relationships with others. Likability is a key ingredient in that, and its career benefits are pretty obvious. For instance, being likeable—and liking your coworkers in return—can increase your chances of getting promoted.


But when it comes to first impressions, you don’t always have much time to get people to like you. So here are a few straightforward things that the most emotionally intelligent people do to cement their likability from the get-go.

Via The Learning Factor