CurioCity - CurioCité | What is the best way to study for a test? | iPads, MakerEd and More  in Education |
Have you ever stayed up late the night before a test or exam, trying to cram that last bit of information into your head?

We’ve all been there. Maybe you thought the information you had to learn would be really simple. Or maybe the exam felt really far away and it just sort of “snuck up on you.” Either way, you may have crammed hoping the information would stick with you until you got through that test. And maybe you actually ended up doing okay on that test.

Many people think that cramming is actually a good study strategy. Some people have convinced themselves that they learn best under pressure. However, researchers in cognitive psychology (the science of how we think) have shown that while cramming may feel like a good strategy, it actually leads to worse memory.