7 Useful Allergy Apps to Help You Avoid Spring Allergies | iPads, MakerEd and More  in Education | Scoop.it

“Allergy season” is something of a misnomer. Depending on where you live, you can suffer at any time of the year. In the southern US, the grass can start flowering as early as mid-February, whereas in the north, ragweed can trigger reactions right up until the first frost of the year.

However, broadly speaking, most people suffer from mid-spring to mid-summer when the majority of plants come into bloom. According to the American College of Allergy, Asthma, and Immunology, the most common triggers are burning bush, cocklebur, lamb’s quarters, pigweed, sagebrush, mugwort, tumbleweed, and Russian thistle.

If you suffer from spring allergies, keep reading. Here are a selection of allergy alert apps, allergy detector apps, and pollen count apps that’ll get you through the next few months.