Let’s Talk About Cell Phone Bans: Should We Limit Access Or Teach Responsibility? – Katie Martin | iPads, MakerEd and More  in Education | Scoop.it
I have heard mounting frustrations and complaints about kids not being able to manage their digital habits. I just sat with a teacher this week who was on a mission to ban cell phones nationwide (in school) because it was “distracting her students from learning.” She is working so hard and struggling to get her kids to focus on or care about what she feels she is held accountable for teaching. It is frustrating when learners are distracted in school and policymakers are starting to take actions. This teacher’s (an many others) dream might become a reality according to a proposed ban on cell phones in California states that usage; “interferes with the educational mission of the schools, lowers pupil performance, particularly among low-achieving pupils, promotes cyberbullying, and contributes to an increase in teenage anxiety, depression, and suicide.”

I hear (and see) that students are connected to their devices far too often that is healthy and productive and social media can have very real social and emotional consequences.

I am not going to pretend that this isn’t a challenge and that these aren’t real issues that need to be dealt with. My husband is a 10th-grade teacher and I know the struggle is real but I would argue that banning cell phones is short-sighted.