Getting Started with Coding and Robotics in K–8 Classrooms - EdWeb | iPads, MakerEd and More  in Education |
Interested in integrating coding and robotics in your classroom instruction and don’t know where to begin? Thousands of educators are taking the leap and bringing STEAM and 21st century skills to young learners. Whether it’s the fundamental problem solving and self-expression of coding activities or the high student engagement and collaborative nature of robotics lessons, there are many benefits to weaving these technologies into ELA, math, science, social studies, and beyond. But without time and resources, how can you get started today?

In this edWebinar, a technology integrationist and an instructional technology specialist who began with no experience in coding and robotics shows you why they fell in love with coding and robotics, their lessons learned, and best practices for making a program work for you and your students. Hear their personal stories, discover relevant resources, and walk away with activities and lessons you can implement on your own. This recorded edWebinar will be of interest to teachers, librarians, school and district leaders, technology integrationists, technology coaches, STEM/STEAM lab teachers, and makerspace teachers at all levels.