Stop Calling Them Soft Skills; They're Essential Skills | iPads, MakerEd and More  in Education | put out an article about the top 11 reasons millenials get fired, and the top five are: the need for independence, lack of confidence, anxiety, miscommunication, and that millenials lack vision. Essentially, the main reason millennials get fired is because they can’t collaborate, they lack confidence in themselves and their decisions, which can lead to anxiety, they struggle presenting and communicating, and are not critically thinking to see overall goals and vision.

These are what we in the education world call “soft skills.”

They’re secondary to the “essential” work of school, which is English, math, science, history, algebra, British Literature, the starting and end date of the French Revolution, what an igneous rock is- okay, now I’m being sarcastic.

I think it’s time we stop calling them soft skills, because there’s nothing soft about getting fired from your job, or never getting hired in the first place.