“Let Them Be Amazing!” – Teach, Learn, Grow! - Richard Roberts @richroberts76 | iPads, MakerEd and More  in Education | Scoop.it

A video I often show at professional learning sessions I facilitate is the TEDx Talk “Extracurricular Empowerment” by Scott McLeod (@mcleod).

Mr. McLeod talks about the powerful, “at home learning” students are doing with technology. He asks the questions “how can we take the extracurricular and turn it into the curricular?”  This really is a profound statement as it, in many ways, answers the question posed earlier, “technology changes so fast, how can I keep up?” The answer really comes down to this….. you don’t have to keep up! If we empower our students and focus on their skills, strengths, affinity, and talents with technology we don’t have to “know it all”, but rather just focus on what the students already know and do, and bring that into the classroom.