Human Anatomy Atlas 2019-A Great App for Science Students | iPads, MakerEd and More  in Education |

"Human Anatomy Atlas 2019 is one of the best apps out there for understanding the human body. The app is a little bit pricey ($24.99) but is definitely worth the investment. It offers special pricing for teachers and educators. It has also been featured in the American Association of School Librarians (AASL)'s list of the best apps for teaching and learning 2018Human Anatomy Atlas offers a wide variety of educational materials and resources to help students better comprehend how the human body functions. These include more than 10.000 anatomical models in different languages (e.g., English, Spanish, Italian, German, French etc), 6000 structures in each model, animations demonstrating muscle movements in 3D models,  textbook-level definitions, a powerful search engine,  encyclopedic references, and many more."