10 Ways to Change a Lightbulb | The Kid Should See This | iPads, MakerEd and More  in Education | Scoop.it
Create your own DIY lighting around a LED light bulb hanging on a wire. This resourceful video from The Lighting Channel shares 10 ways to change a lightbulb: with paper, crochet, a bottle, a bowl, paper mâché, ducting tube, stencils, a metal utensil can, a pentagon tower made with construction paper, and a soft box.

Remember to use LED lights for safety—they don’t burn as hot as other kinds of light bulbs—and give them lots of room to breathe. As always, be safe, be smart, be sure to test your creations, and don’t leave them unattended. And for an up close look at these ideas, check out this playlist. Here are two we want to try: