Read this Book: Click'd: A Novel on Coding & Friendship | iPads, MakerEd and More  in Education |

``I don’t normally review fiction on my blog, but Click’d ties in beautifully with makerspaces and would be a fantastic addition to your library.  Here’s why:

Read this Book: Click’d

Allie Navarro loves to code.  She also loves soccer and hanging out with her friends.  Over the summer, she gets to go a coding camp with other girls from throughout the country.  There, she creates Click’d, an app that lets you take a personality quiz and then leads you on a sort of digital scavenger hunt to find friends with similar interests that you can “click” with.   Allie can’t believe it when she gets selected to present her app at Games for Good, an app development competition. But when the whole school starts downloading her app, glitches begin to crop up, and Allie isn’t sure if she can fix it in time…