8 Apps to Help You Deliver Killer Speeches and Presentations - Inc.com | iPads, MakerEd and More  in Education | Scoop.it
Even the best performers and speakers experience stage fright and performance anxiety. Lady Gaga and Justin Bieber have been known to vomit right on stage. Adele's been very open about her battles with anxiety and stage fright, admitting to Rolling Stone that she's scared of audiences. Famed leaders and speakers including, Mahatma Gandhi, Joel Osteen, and Warren Buffet experienced debilitating symptoms on stage in their early days of speaking. 

Naturally, there's an app for that.

These apps will help you gain confidence, relax prior to and during your speech, enhance audience participation and rehearse effectively. There's even an app to help you eliminate your "ums" and "ahs".  No need to fear being on stage when technology has your back.