Sneaking Past the Summer Slide: How to Make the Most of Summer Without a Single Flashcard | EdSurge News | iPads, MakerEd and More  in Education |
As the school year draws to a close, I am looking forward to the laidback freedom of summer with its less hectic schedule and longer daylight hours. If I’m being completely honest, there’s something really incredible about turning off my alarm clock for the foreseeable future. For me, it’s time to recharge, to reflect and to prepare to return to the classroom and library renewed with energy and ideas.

As an educator, I’m also keenly aware of the potential for kids to suffer from the summer slide—a loss of academic progress over the course of the summer months. According to a study done by the Colorado Department of Education, children in low-income households fall behind an average of 2 months in reading during the summer. And, summer slide is cumulative, with these learning losses building up each summer.

The basic solution? Stay engaged in learning: read, write, do some math.