Top 15 STEM Toys for 2017 | iPads, MakerEd and More  in Education |

"As parents we many times feel overwhelmed with all the advertisements and options for buying young kids the best presents. How can you find something that will be fun for kids, while helping them grow in educational and productive ways? As the father of a new baby girl, I’ve realized how difficult these questions can be. Thoughtful research can make all the difference. STEM toys are toys related to the fields of science, technology, engineering, and mathematics. As technology advances rapidly, knowledge of related topics will become more and more important. And not only that, but learning about STEM can enhance experiences in other fields; it’s not just about academic subjects, but rather advancing skills like creativity and logical thinking that will apply to countless future pursuits.

More than half of teens (55%) would be more interested in STEM simply by having teachers who enjoy the subjects they teach. Since presenting these subjects in an interesting way is so important, why don’t we start now! The world is always evolving, and STEM toys are just one way to embrace these changes in a positive way. I have compiled a list of products are imaginative, innovative, and most of all, fun. Here are 15 great toys you can look out for:"