Empowering Students in the Disinformation Age - developing digital detectives by Jeff Hewitt | iPads, MakerEd and More  in Education | Scoop.it

"What was once the Information Age is rapidly becoming the Disinformation Age, where any information online can be used to support any viewpoint, even those that are patently false. With unrestricted internet access just a few taps on the smartphone away, it is impossible to monitor our students’ online activities constantly. We cannot be on hand to tell them what is right or wrong or true or false. Sometimes, we’re not even sure ourselves.


As educators, it falls to us to teach our students a measure of responsibility when they go online. The internet has infiltrated almost every aspect of education. We use it to take attendance, contact parents, look for activities, and do research. Our hope is that our students are using it for research and educational games."

Via Tom D'Amico (@TDOttawa)