#HR #RRHH Another approach to implementing 70:20:10 |  | #HR #RRHH Making love and making personal #branding #leadership | Scoop.it

I talk with a lot of people about 70:20:10, and a common theme that emerges is a strong desire to use the concept, and that is followed by the question, “but how do I implement it?”

And too often when I speak with people who are claiming to implement 70:20:10, what they are actually doing is little more than a blended veneer over what they were already doing anyway with their former approach to learning initiatives.

For many people, there is clearly a gap between wanting to use 70:20:10, and using it effectively. I think this gap arises for two primary reasons…

A misunderstanding of the concept of 70:20:10
A misunderstanding of the role of L&D in an organisation