#HR #RRHH The Importance of Listening to Your Employees | #HR #RRHH Making love and making personal #branding #leadership | Scoop.it

Corporate culture is not static; it grows and changes with the people in it. As a business owner, I like to think that the business has a lot to do with me, but I have realized it has just as much to do with the people who work with me and how they feel about the business.


We spend a lot of time before we hire getting to know prospective employees and making sure they fit the team. I also do employee surveys once a year to gauge where things are. I am far from being the perfect manager, so I am grateful to my employees who have taught me how to improve.


I ask employees what they like about their jobs, what they hate about their jobs, and what they think we should be doing differently. Many of my innovations come from employees' suggestions. But be careful not to ask a question that may yield an answer you will not be ready for.

Via The Learning Factor