#HR #Leadership Psychologists Say There Are Six Kinds of Boss. Which Are You? | #HR #RRHH Making love and making personal #branding #leadership | Scoop.it

It's a problem that hits all of us. We all like to think of ourselves as fantastic bosses: authoritative, decisive, inspiring, and respected. But we really can't know how the people we manage actually see us. In fact, a survey of 1,214 leaders by the Hay Group found that the more senior a manager is in an organization, the more the person tends to overrate him- or herself.


The survey that the group uses to assess managers is based on work by Harvard researchers George Litwin and Robert Stringer. The psychologists identified what they saw as the six most effective styles of leadership:

1. Coercive

Gains immediate compliance from employees. Bosses with this style give orders and take no refusals.

Via The Learning Factor