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Curated by Ricard Lloria
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Rescooped by Ricard Lloria from Business Brainpower with the Human Touch

#HR Five Work Habits To Kick Before The End Of The Year

#HR Five Work Habits To Kick Before The End Of The Year | #HR #RRHH Making love and making personal #branding #leadership | Scoop.it

Kids are back in school. Pumpkin spice lattes are back in Starbucks. It’s official: Summer is over and the year is winding down.


But before it does, there might be a goal or two you committed to back in January that you’d still really love to make good on. Don’t worry–falling short on your New Year’s resolutions is totally normal. And even if you missed your chance to get back in the saddle at the six-month mark, there might still be some things you can do to make headway between now and the holidays. One tactic that might help? Cutting back.


Sometimes all you need to jump-start your progress is to ditch some of your routines, bad habits, and maybe even some of your other goals so you can redirect your energy where it counts. For inspiration, here’s what five Fast Company contributors–in their own ways, all experts on productivity and self-management–are kicking to the curb in order to end the year on a high note.

Via The Learning Factor
The Learning Factor's curator insight, September 12, 2017 6:34 PM

Sometimes you have to ditch certain plans, routines, and habits in order to make good on your big-ticket goals before the clock runs out.

Rescooped by Ricard Lloria from Business Brainpower with the Human Touch

#HR The 1 Quick Question That Will Instantly Make You More Productive

#HR The 1 Quick Question That Will Instantly Make You More Productive | #HR #RRHH Making love and making personal #branding #leadership | Scoop.it

You're blurry-eyed and slack-jawed at your desk, staring at a to-do list so long you feel like you could wrap it around the entire earth -- twice. Yes, we've all found ourselves in this stressful situation every now and then.

Facing a to-do list that feels completely unmanageable isn't fun. In fact, it's usually enough to make me want to curl up under my desk in the fetal position and hide until all of those pesky tasks dissolve away.

But, unfortunately, that tactic has yet to work out for me. So, I've had to find another method to deal with my mile-long list of assignments.

I've tried my fair share of productivity tips, tricks, and hacks that promise to help me grab the bull by the horns and conquer my to-do list with confidence and a healthy dose of strategy. However, I've found that most of those (although, not all!) really only manage to serve as a distraction and slow me down.

Instead, I prefer to keep things basic, simple, and intuitive. So, when looking at my overwhelming to-do list, I always ask myself this one quick and easy question to pare down my tasks and channel my focus:

Does this absolutely need to be done today?

I know, it's so straightforward and obvious, you're likely groaning and rolling your eyes at me right now. But, it's actually an important inquiry that most people skip when creating their own lists. Humor me and allow me to dive in and explain why this question is so effective.

Via The Learning Factor
The Learning Factor's curator insight, May 12, 2016 7:04 PM

Goodbye cluttered to-do list, hello laser focus.

Rescooped by Ricard Lloria from Good News For A Change

#HR #Leadership 65 Top Tips to Sharpen Your Time-Management Skills

#HR #Leadership 65 Top Tips to Sharpen Your Time-Management Skills | #HR #RRHH Making love and making personal #branding #leadership | Scoop.it

Every day, each of us has 24 hours to spend. Some of us make better use of that resource than others. Learning to manage time and spend it wisely is among the most significant things you can do to build personal and professional success.

Here are 65 of the best ways to manage your time:

Via The Learning Factor, Bobby Dillard
Ricard Lloria's insight:

One of the most important keys to personal and professional success lies in how you spend your time. Here are 65 of the best ways to manage it.

Lizzie Richards's curator insight, March 29, 2016 2:50 PM

One of the most important keys to personal and professional success lies in how you spend your time. Here are 65 of the best ways to manage it.

Dejan Nikolic's curator insight, March 30, 2016 9:14 AM

One of the most important keys to personal and professional success lies in how you spend your time. Here are 65 of the best ways to manage it.

Norman Demers's curator insight, March 30, 2016 9:18 AM

One of the most important keys to personal and professional success lies in how you spend your time. Here are 65 of the best ways to manage it.

Rescooped by Ricard Lloria from Business Brainpower with the Human Touch

5 Ways to Work Smarter, Not Harder

5 Ways to Work Smarter, Not Harder | #HR #RRHH Making love and making personal #branding #leadership | Scoop.it

Time is money.

It's the one asset that we are all given each and every day. Yet many of us find it slips away so easily.

What can you really do to make better use of your time? The solution may be easier than you think. We tend to have the mindset that we have to do more to get more, but that's not always the case. There are many different ways you can manage yourself and your time in order to approach tasks with more efficiency.

By making slight tweaks to your behavior and the way you handle responsibilities, you can actually grow your business without simultaneously expanding your workload. Here are five simple ways to work smarter, not harder.

Via The Learning Factor
Ricard Lloria's insight:

Try these simple tips to increase your productivity--get more done in less time.

Andres Garcia Alvarez's curator insight, August 3, 2015 8:44 PM

Try these simple tips to increase your productivity--get more done in less time.

Helen Stenhouse's curator insight, August 5, 2015 10:15 PM

Try these simple tips to increase your productivity--get more done in less time!

Maurice Bretzfield's curator insight, August 6, 2015 12:28 PM

Try these simple tips to increase your productivity--get more done in less time.

Rescooped by Ricard Lloria from Business Brainpower with the Human Touch

Forget Time #Management, Focus on Stress Management

Forget Time #Management, Focus on Stress Management | #HR #RRHH Making love and making personal #branding #leadership | Scoop.it

I'm always surprised when people ask me about how to manage their time.

"This time management of which you speak, what is that?" I joke.

Well, sort of. It's not really a joke, because I don't really manage my time. I manage my stress. Time management is something they teach you in bookkeeping class in college. Life teaches you to manage stress loads like you are putting weights on a scale. Overload yourself, and you won't have enough time to finish anything. Manage your stress and you will suddenly have enough time to get it all done. Here's how:

Via The Learning Factor
The Learning Factor's curator insight, May 14, 2015 6:50 PM

Time management is for the birds...and other lower lifeforms. Figure out how to manage your stress instead.

Robb D. Thompson's curator insight, May 16, 2015 10:50 AM

Time Management Is The #1 Secret Of The Rich!

Rescooped by Ricard Lloria from Business Brainpower with the Human Touch

#HR Don't just cram more in your day

#HR Don't just cram more in your day | #HR #RRHH Making love and making personal #branding #leadership | Scoop.it

Time management is not cramming more into your day. Time management will help you spend your time according to your goal.

Effective time management is essential to attain your career and personal goals.

If you are unclear about what you are trying to achieve, it is difficult to achieve it.

We all have 24 hours in a given day, seven days in the week, and 52 weeks in the year. Our time needs to be managed effectively and efficiently to meet work goals and priorities, balance work and personal life, reduce stress and increase motivation.

Time management entails selecting the most relevant task to complete from all the possibilities available, and then by doing it in the best possible way. Action needs to be planned. Action is not an end in itself; rather it is a means to attain a goal.

There are misconceptions about time management. We need to control how we use our time to reduce stress and produce higher level outcomes. Both urgent and the longer term important tasks need to be completed.

When we control our time to reach our goals, we spend our time to its fullest advantage, rather than "firefighting" issues.

Research shows that an investment in planning gives us more time. We need to invest time to use our time effectively – doing the most important things first, and efficiently – in the quickest and best way.

In the workplace, we are under pressure to maximise our time to achieve set outcomes. This is easier said than done when we are confronted with time wasters. Sometimes, these can be unavoidable. Other times, these can be overcome with a change in approach. The first step is to identify these time wasters. Examples include:

Information overload with emails or paperworkDifficulty saying noTelephone calls or meetings that are not focussed and too longDoing too much at one time
Via The Learning Factor
The Learning Factor's curator insight, May 15, 2016 8:46 PM

How to manage your time for effective results and personal wellbeing.

Rescooped by Ricard Lloria from Business Brainpower with the Human Touch

#HR The seven biggest sins of your working day

#HR The seven biggest sins of your working day | #HR #RRHH Making love and making personal #branding #leadership | Scoop.it

They said computers would make us all a lot more productive, and free up our personal lives.

Is it just me, or was that all a big, fat porkie?


The technology that was supposed to bring us this gift of freedom has entrapped us, eroding valuable time, energy and attention. Don't get me wrong, I love new technology. But let's take a reality check and go back to using it to help us do our jobs, not to dictate and distract every waking moment.

Here are seven key productivity traps to be mindful of:


Via The Learning Factor
rodrick rajive lal's curator insight, April 7, 2016 11:35 PM
Andrew has hit the nail bang on! Technology and its attendant effects have indeed reduced our efficiency in a big way. Instead of making us more relaxed, technology has transformed us into obsessed individuals with an obsessive-compulsive need to check e-mails every now and then. Then comes that nifty little gadget, the smart phone-well organisations now promote the use of whats app as a means to connect to employees 24X7! Then we come to social networking sites, well, one has to open up facebook every now and then to check updates. Organisations have started encouraging the use of Facebook to promote themselves. The seven deadly sins according to Andrew include all of these, e-mails, social networking sites, poor body posture, (what with those fancy chairs that are harsh on the spine) lack of physical exercise, and so on.
hamidreza's curator insight, April 9, 2016 11:21 AM
moldsduct's comment, April 11, 2016 1:22 AM
Rescooped by Ricard Lloria from Business Brainpower with the Human Touch

#HR The Simple Technique To Fit A 40-Hour Workweek Into 16.7 Hours

#HR The Simple Technique To Fit A 40-Hour Workweek Into 16.7 Hours | #HR #RRHH Making love and making personal #branding #leadership | Scoop.it

I used to work a lot — 60, 80, or even 100 hours a week.

I let my work be a big part of how I defined myself. I wore those insane hours like a badge of honor . . . I loved telling people how "busy" I was and how much I "had to do".

Sound familiar?

Looking back, I realize I used my work to try and fill a void in myself. The problem was that this void was like a black hole. No matter how many hours I worked, it never seemed to fill it up. If anything, it made me feel worse.

One day I’d had enough. Truth be told, I’d had way more than enough. I stopped and reevaluated my life, trying to figure out what was important to me, and what wasn’t.

I had to make a big change. I had to figure out how to work smarter, not harder. I needed to optimize my work process to do more in less time.

I needed the Pomodoro Technique. Here’s how this incredible simple time management system changed my workday—and ultimately, my life. I think it can do the same for you.

Via The Learning Factor
The Learning Factor's curator insight, November 29, 2015 4:44 PM

This incredibly simple time management system changed my workday.

Rescooped by Ricard Lloria from Business Brainpower with the Human Touch

Why Time #Management Totally Backfires

Why Time #Management Totally Backfires | #HR #RRHH Making love and making personal #branding #leadership | Scoop.it
You probably don't need research to tell you that people are feeling more and more overwhelmed and overscheduled, but if anecdotal evidence isn't enough to make this clear, studies do exist. Americans tell pollsters they struggle to find work-life balance and generally feel like they spend their days on a slightly too fast treadmill scurrying to catch up.

But no worries--this problem has an obvious solution, right? All we need is better time management--get more done, choose and batch tasks more wisely, keep tabs on our to-do list more carefully, etc.

That seems reasonable but it's totally wrong, according to a fascinating article by business psychologist Tony Crabbe that appeared on Quartz recently. The in-depth piece looks at the history of the relationship between work and time (hint: we weren't always so clock obsessed) and goes on to argue that, as we've misdiagnosed what ails us, the prescribed treatment--time management--is actually making our problems worse.

"Time management, we believe, is the solution to our busyness: if we could organize our time better, we'd be less overwhelmed, happier, and more effective. We are completely wrong on all three counts, and it's damaging our lives and our careers," Crabbe writes.

Via The Learning Factor
Carlos Rodrigues Cadre's curator insight, July 27, 2015 8:47 AM

adicionar sua visão ...

Andres Garcia Alvarez's curator insight, August 3, 2015 8:44 PM
Your efforts to streamline your day are probably just making you feel busier.
Willem Kuypers's curator insight, August 16, 2015 3:52 PM

Ce n'est pas mieux gérer notre temps qui va nous libérer du stress. Le contraire même. Lisez l'article.

Rescooped by Ricard Lloria from Business Brainpower with the Human Touch

Stop Beating Yourself Up for Not Getting Everything Done Every Day

Stop Beating Yourself Up for Not Getting Everything Done Every Day | #HR #RRHH Making love and making personal #branding #leadership | Scoop.it

One of the biggest challenges that we all face is the steadily increasing number of things that we have to do on a daily basis. There is nothing new about this but many people struggle with a sense of daily frustration simply because they can't get everything done and in all likelihood they never will.

At the end of the day, when you look at your to do list, and start the afternoon "I'm not good enough" session, beating yourself up because you didn't get everything done, try making a new list.

Via The Learning Factor
The Learning Factor's curator insight, May 10, 2015 7:34 PM

An alternative approach that is kinder, gentler, and far more likely to make you feel better about yourself and become more productive.

Miguel Herrera E.'s curator insight, May 11, 2015 8:43 AM

Considerar un orden de prioridades con mas probabilidades de impacto en beneficio social