The Supply Chain changes | Supply chain News and trends |

By Ronald Smits


e-Fulfilment is becoming mature. Growth rates (source: of recent years show that this industry within the supply chain is still growing. Traditional warehouses give way to sophisticated delivery centers, where B2B, B2C, C2B and C2C are facilitated. The Supply Chain changes.


Supply Chain Management is a methodology, and through process improvement and collaboration improved functionality in the business chain occurs. These translate to greater understanding among stocks in the chain (in) dependent demand and transport needs. Everything is aimed at sharing information.




With the introduction of e-Fulfilment in the chain, the need for cooperation and coordination of processes is greater than ever. The impact of this integration begins with the purchase of items and ends with a complex distribution structure. The traditional shopping "great value for 'has (already) made way for partnerships, where the decrease is often based on patterns and warehouse units. The buyer of today knows the market and increasingly the market, making the connection factory to e-Fulfilment smoothly. The distribution is becoming denser, with the result that the cities with increasing economic potential to blind. The collaboration between e-Fulfilment and traditional consumer collection is still in its infancy, but will certainly grow in the coming years.


e-Fulfilment versus retail chain


e-Fulfilment requires much more detail, accuracy of data and operations, then the standard chain. A stone shop is supplied from the DC with a truck. Shop Attendants tackle the products, check these and put them in stock. A retail chain is (relatively) easy to control. Many links in their own hands. A product is present or not, and a 'no-sale' are immediately available alternative products. Waste is returned with the next delivery. With e-Fulfilment is all about speed, effectiveness and efficiency. The customer order penetrates deep into the process, a warehouse process, that is. This storage process is arranged so that the added value, little to no impact on the final price to the consumer.


e-Fulfilment proof Supply Chain


The differences in the processes that create an e-Fulfilment Process not 'just taken there "may be. The facilitation of e-fulfillment requires a strategy along the supply chain. As an example, the article units, box or piece can be mentioned. When a box is opened to send a piece, it is difficult to produce them in the retail chain to bring.


A larger proportion of e-Fulfilment in the chain requires adjustment of business processes and lining. By a strong decrease modifying pattern change the staffing requirements and availability. The Courier Tuesday, the warehouse clerk Wednesday can be. The coming years will be shaped to this flexibility, to provide an e-Fulfilment proof Supply Chain.

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