She Lion works to create a fully sustainable supply chain - Risk - Sustainability | Supply chain News and trends |
When fashion apparel is made, consumers do not understand the amount of waste that is created in making those products. Kate Dillion, founder and creative director at Australian fashion brand She Lion works to make sure every part of their supply chain is sustainable.

“Making garments and accessories does greatly impact the environment and a lot of people aren't aware about how that happens. A huge part of it is some consumer awareness, and understanding and insight about the impact that the creation of these things makes,” she said.

“I had no idea that there was that much water used when you make jeans. It was a huge upskilling experience to me and something that's completely made me rethink how I run my business and to ask a whole lot more questions.”

She has had specialist third parties come in and assess their supply chain ensuring everyone that she works with is ethically certified.

Via EcoVadis