Thai Coconut Giant Partners to Root a Rare Type of Labor Abuse Out of Its Supply Chain | Supply chain News and trends |

It seems human rights abuses aren’t the only labor issues companies need to watch out for in their supply chains. Here, Thailand-based Theppadungporn Coconut Company details how it partnered to create the first audit scheme specifically designed to uncover monkey labor.


Theppadungporn Coconut Company (TCC) — a third-generation, family-owned company that, over the past half-century, has grown into one of Thailand’s leading exporters of popular coconut products including coconut milk, coconut water and more to the United States and dozens of other countries — was confident that its suppliers weren’t using monkey labor. As it turned out, just stating that was not enough — the company had to be able to prove it.

“When we were accused of using monkey labor, we realized that we have to be more transparent — to ensure and show that there is no monkey labor in our supply chain,” Teetiphun Theppadungporn, International Marketing and Sales Manager at TCC, told Sustainable Brands™. He’s referring to a 2019 investigation from PETA Asia, which alleged that one farm producing coconut milk for TCC’s Chaokoh brand was using monkey labor.

Via EcoVadis