Modern Slavery in the Construction Industry: Why Compliance Rates Are Falling  | Supply chain News and trends |

The construction industry, like other industries with complex and international supply chains, is vulnerable to the risks of modern slavery. Around the world, millions of people are affected by modern slavery, with victims subjected to forced labour, human trafficking, and other forms of exploitation.

In recent years, the UK has put forward measures to address this issue, including the Modern Slavery Act 2015. However, findings show that efforts to combat modern slavery in the country are waning. Those of us with ties to the construction industry are clear on the urgent need for renewed focus and commitment to this critical issue.

The Current State of Modern Slavery in the UK

An analysis by the Chartered Institute of Procurement and Supply (CIPS) reveals that only 29% of organisations required to produce a modern slavery statement submitted it to the UK government registry in 2022. This is a 46% drop in submitted statements compared to the previous year. Despite the risks of modern slavery abuses in the UK, not enough companies are adequately disclosing anti-slavery measures within their supply chains.

Via EcoVadis