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CUED: El aprendizaje no puede esperar: soluciones para salir de la crisis en educación

CUED: El aprendizaje no puede esperar: soluciones para salir de la crisis en educación | Help and Support everybody around the world |
 Por Mercedes Mateo del blog Enfoque educación del BID Cuando se trata de educación, no hay tiempo que perder. Los últimos resultados d

Via Ramon Aragon, juandoming
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El camino menos transitado.

El camino menos transitado. | Help and Support everybody around the world |
Por Xavi Roca
Desde pequeño siempre he sentido un enorme placer por llevar la contraria a los demás. Por intentar optar por caminos menos transitados, por ubicarme en lugares menos concurridos. Me siento más cómodo siendo la opinión menos común sobre un tema, discutiendo y pensando cómo puedo pensar diferente al resto.En un mundo donde la corriente principal parece atraer a multitudes, hay una belleza incomparable en desviarse del camino más común y abrazar lo inexplorado. La sociedad a menudo nos empuja hacia la uniformidad, hacia seguir las normas establecidas y las expectativas convencionales. Sin embargo, ES EN LA SINGULARIDAD DONDE RESIDE LA VERDADERA INNOVACIÓN, LA CREATIVIDAD DESENFRENADA Y EL POTENCIAL ILIMITADO.Siempre me he preocupado cuando, en algún grupo, pienso como la mayoría. Y le doy vueltas porque este sentimiento me incomoda. Me hace sentir mal y me hace pensar que estoy en el lugar equivocado.Y en la vida profesional, pienso que seguir el camino menos transitado suele conllevar grandes ventajas. Optar por el camino menos transitado no es solo una elección, es una filosofía de vida. Implica.

Via Juan Carlos Valda
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We should be thinking about assessments and AI in a completely different way

We should be thinking about assessments and AI in a completely different way | Help and Support everybody around the world |
Let’s embrace the benefits of AI rather than fearing its impact on academic misconduct. Dilshad Sheikh offers her tips on adopting new technology in pedagogy

Via Vladimir Kukharenko, juandoming
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AI-Assisted Tutoring: The Future Of Personalized Learning Support

AI-Assisted Tutoring: The Future Of Personalized Learning Support | Help and Support everybody around the world |
This article discusses how AI-assisted tutoring paves the way for a future with tailored, personalized education for everyone.

Via EDTECH@UTRGV, juandoming
EDTECH@UTRGV's curator insight, May 12, 11:00 AM

"Imagine a future where every student gets their own AI tutor. This article examines just how close we are to making personalized education a reality."

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Is teaching becoming obsolete with GPT-4o? Do we now have a Universal Teacher?

Is teaching becoming obsolete with GPT-4o? Do we now have a Universal Teacher? | Help and Support everybody around the world |

I have written and talked about the idea of a UNIVERSAL TEACHER for a long time. This is what AI promises to deliver. A free teacher who speaks, listens, remembers, tutors, using all media types, can read handwriting, provides personalized feedback on any subject, anytime, anywhere, in any language.

Via Edumorfosis
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Faculty | Help and Support everybody around the world |
Faculty and the Academic Misconduct Process Understanding your role in the process. Faculty members play an important role in educating students about academic integrity and they also have a role to play during the academic misconduct process. Allegations of academic misconduct start at the instructor level and each Faculty may have their own process for how cases are […]

Via Vladimir Kukharenko
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New research unlocks secrets of the brain – using maths

New research unlocks secrets of the brain – using maths | Help and Support everybody around the world |

What do neurons use this special ability for? The answer to the question may lie in the theoretical findings shown in Naud’s paper, “Burst-dependent synaptic plasticity can coordinate learning in hierarchical circuits”, published three years ago in Nature Neuroscience. In this paper, Naud’s team examined how the ability to communicate and process two signals at once can solve a dilemma about how learning takes place in the brain.

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How does the brain think?

How does the brain think? | Help and Support everybody around the world |

Have you ever wondered how your brain creates thoughts or why something randomly popped into your head? It may seem like magic – but actually the brain is like a supercomputer inside your head that helps you think, learn and make decisions.

Imagine your brain as a busy city with lots of streets and buildings. Each part of the brain has a specific job to do, just like certain areas of a city or certain buildings serve different purposes. When you have a thought, it’s like a message traveling through the city, passing from one area to another.

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[PDF] Students, digital devices and success

[PDF] Students, digital devices and success | Help and Support everybody around the world |

The digital environment has become an integral aspect of children’s lives. It offers many opportunities such as enhancing educational opportunities, expanding social interactions and having fun. However, the digital environment also exposes children to risks such as cyberbullying, the viewing of violent and other inappropriate content, sexual exploitation and abuse and breaches of privacy. Much current debate also centers on concerns that digital technologies can detract from human interaction and reduce the quality of children’s social and emotional experiences.

All of these issues have fueled concerns from parents, teachers, governments and young people themselves that digital technologies and social media may be exacerbating feelings of anxiety and depression, disturbing sleep patterns and distorting body image. As we integrate new digital technologies into education, we must acknowledge the challenges and complexities that arise. As stated in the OECD Recommendation on Children in the Digital Environment, it is crucial to establish conditions for a safe and beneficial digital environment. Education systems have a vital role in supporting children to navigate the risks while reaping the benefits.

Via Edumorfosis
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La personalidad creativa, según Mihály Csíkszentmihályi –

La personalidad creativa, según Mihály Csíkszentmihályi – | Help and Support everybody around the world |
por Edith Sánchez Mihály Csíkszentmihályi es uno de los psicólogos más reconocidos a nivel mundial.Entre sus investigaciones, se encuentra el estudio de los principales rasgos de la personalidad. …...

Via Mariano Ramos Mejia
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Gmail tiene un último recurso si no puedes recuperar tu cuenta ni tu contraseña: cómo funciona la configuración de siete días

Gmail tiene un último recurso si no puedes recuperar tu cuenta ni tu contraseña: cómo funciona la configuración de siete días | Help and Support everybody around the world |
Quien más quien menos tiene una cuenta de Gmail, ya sea para el correo electrónico, para usar un teléfono Android o por toda la suite de Google que lleva...

Via Santiago Sanz Lastra
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How can we imagine a new University?

How can we imagine a new University? | Help and Support everybody around the world |

The problem is not that universities are lacking in innovation, but rather that they suffer from a poverty of imagination of what that innovation might be. “This is an existential moment for universities,” writes the philosopher of higher education Ronald Barnett. “All systems of higher education across the world are moving inexorably in the direction of the marketized university. Consequently, the pool of ideas through which the university is comprehended is shrinking.” Indeed, the main existential crisis facing the university is a poverty of ideas about what universities can become. We must look elsewhere, more broadly and with greater imagination, for potential sources of innovation. 

Via Edumorfosis
Edumorfosis's curator insight, May 12, 9:00 PM

Para que estas ideas se conviertan en realidad, muy probablemente necesitaríamos crear una nueva institución, en lugar de esperar rediseñar o reorganizar una organización existente, ya que la resistencia al cambio es endémica en la educación superior. Otro obstáculo en la realización de estos diseños especulativos es que parece haber poco interés en desarrollar universidades que se desvíen tan dramáticamente de la norma. Las instituciones de educación superior están interesadas en compararse con otras universidades, emular a sus instituciones pares y, como resultado, todas se parecen.

Rescooped by Ricard Lloria from Educación, TIC y ecología!

Coeduelda: Violencia sexual y de género. Guía de recursos para formadores y formadoras

Coeduelda: Violencia sexual y de género. Guía de recursos para formadores y formadoras | Help and Support everybody around the world |
Guía en el marco del Proyecto MED-RES (MEDiterranean Reception Systems’ coordinated RESponse for People in Migration – PiM – victims o

Via Ramon Aragon
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¿Dividir? No, gracias. El miedo a los números y el bajo rendimiento en matemáticas | Ciencia Cognitiva

¿Dividir? No, gracias. El miedo a los números y el bajo rendimiento en matemáticas | Ciencia Cognitiva | Help and Support everybody around the world |

Via Ramon Aragon
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El mito de la caverna de Platón (significado e historia de esta alegoría) –

El mito de la caverna de Platón (significado e historia de esta alegoría) – | Help and Support everybody around the world |
por Adrián Triglia Una metáfora que nos intenta explicar la doble realidad que percibimos.El mito de la caverna de Platón es una de las grandes alegorías de la filosofía idealista que tanto ha mar…...

Via Mariano Ramos Mejia
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6 Generative AI areas of action for educators (opinion)

6 Generative AI areas of action for educators (opinion) | Help and Support everybody around the world |

GenAI can democratize Education, tailor learning experiences to individual needs and bridge disparity gaps, giving it potential as an immense and versatile student success tool. But educators must take the helm of research and development, steering the integration of AI with intention and expertise. Following are six areas around which to focus action.

Via Edumorfosis
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NeuroIA: La IAG desbloquea la impermeabilidad del cerebro (mente «biónica») creando escenarios y conceptos de educación autónoma y automática (necesidades emocionales y cognitivas, e integramos int...

NeuroIA: La IAG desbloquea la impermeabilidad del cerebro (mente «biónica») creando escenarios y conceptos de educación autónoma y automática (necesidades emocionales y cognitivas, e integramos int... | Help and Support everybody around the world |
Juan Domingo Farnós Desde una perspectiva puramente técnica, como programadores, desarrolladores e ingenieros computacionales enfocados en el estudio y desarrollo de la Inteligencia Artificial General (IAG), estamos en la vanguardia de crear posibilidades que antes eran inimaginables. Nuestro objetivo es no solo explorar cómo estas tecnologías pueden condicionar nuestra vida diaria, sino también cómo pueden…

Via juandoming
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Investigaciones sobre Inteligencia artificial general (IAG) con procesos neurobilogícos dentro de sinapsis neuronales junto a procesos computacionales -máquina-máquina, hombre-máquina- (I) –

Investigaciones sobre Inteligencia artificial general (IAG) con procesos neurobilogícos dentro de sinapsis neuronales junto a procesos computacionales -máquina-máquina, hombre-máquina- (I) – | Help and Support everybody around the world |
Juan Domingo Farnós La neurobiología en procesos de inteligencia artificial general se refiere a la investigación y comprensión de cómo funciona el cerebro humano para inspirar y mejorar los algoritmos y modelos utilizados en la inteligencia artificial (IA). Esto implica estudiar las estructuras neuronales, las conexiones sinápticas y los procesos cognitivos que subyacen a la…

Via juandoming
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TeacherMatic HE Pilot – Using TeacherMatic in the Higher Education Space

Explore the insights from our latest pilot of TeacherMatic at seven universities, where we assessed its generative AI capabilities for creating innovative teaching and learning content.

Via Vladimir Kukharenko
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La ciencia de la Motivación: El efecto del progreso hacia la meta –

La ciencia de la Motivación: El efecto del progreso hacia la meta – | Help and Support everybody around the world |
Por Isabel Carrasco González Ayelet Fishbach en “Get it done. Surprising lessons from the science of motivation”, que estamos comentando, plantea que para la ciencia de la motivación existe el “efe…...

Via Mariano Ramos Mejia
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Integrating AI in academic research – Changing the paradigm

Integrating AI in academic research – Changing the paradigm | Help and Support everybody around the world |

As artificial intelligence tools continue to evolve, their potential to transform academic research is becoming increasingly apparent. From facilitating comprehensive literature reviews and identifying hidden research gaps to analyzing massive datasets and visually presenting complex information, AI is empowering researchers to tackle tasks once thought insurmountable.

Amidst the excitement and promise of this new frontier, it is crucial to acknowledge the challenges and ethical considerations it presents.

Via Edumorfosis, juandoming
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Trucos para decidir mejor y no morir en el intento –

Trucos para decidir mejor y no morir en el intento – | Help and Support everybody around the world |
Desde que te levantas, decides. La hora, qué desayunas, a qué vas a dedicar tu energía, tu tiempo y tu dinero, o qué ropa te pones.No podemos escapar a las decisiones: desde las más sencillas a la…...

Via Mariano Ramos Mejia
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Qué son las bases de datos NoSQL y por qué hasta el creador de SQL apuesta por ellas

Qué son las bases de datos NoSQL y por qué hasta el creador de SQL apuesta por ellas | Help and Support everybody around the world |
En la celebración del 50 aniversario del lenguaje SQL (Structured Query Language, el lenguaje de consulta estándar para bases de datos relacionales), su...

Via Santiago Sanz Lastra
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Seven things driving the evolution of the University in the 21st century

Seven things driving the evolution of the University in the 21st century | Help and Support everybody around the world |

In a world where knowledge is power and innovation drives progress, the role of universities in society stands at a pivotal crossroads. The traditional image of ivory towers of academia is changing as we navigate the complexity of the 21st century. Today, universities are not only centers of learning and research but dynamic hubs of innovation, collaboration and societal impact.

Via Edumorfosis
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Colabora en documentos en tiempo real en tus reuniones en Zoom

Colabora en documentos en tiempo real en tus reuniones en Zoom | Help and Support everybody around the world |
Cada vez más gente hace teletrabajo, y por eso es importante contar con las mejores herramientas para poder agilizar tus reuniones online. En el vídeo de hoy te hablo de una de ellas: ONLYOFFICE DocSpace, que ahora puedes integrar directamente con Zoom, la popular utilidad de videollamada. Con la integración de ONLYOFFICE DocSpace en Zoom…

Via Ramon Aragon
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Personal vs Personalized AI

Personal vs Personalized AI | Help and Support everybody around the world |

There is a war going on. Humanity and nature are on one side and Big Tech is on the other. The two sides are not opposed. They are orthogonal. The human side is horizontal and the Big Tech side is vertical.*

The human side is personal, social, self-governed, heterarchical, open, and grounded in the physical world. Its model is nature, and the cooperative contexts in which competition, creation, and destruction happen in the natural world.

The Big Tech side is corporate, industrial, hierarchical, competitive, mechanistic, extractive, and closed, even though it produces many positive-sum products and services that are good for people and good for nature. It is also, being competitive and rewarding toward winner-take-most outcomes, dominated by giants.

Via Edumorfosis
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