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The Global AI Talent Tracker 2.0

The Global AI Talent Tracker 2.0 | Edumorfosis.Work |

Since launching our talent tracker in 2020, artificial intelligence (AI) has taken the world by storm. Ostensible breakthroughs in large language models and machine learning methods, as well as staggering improvements in compute capabilities, have made the power and potential of AI demonstrably clear. 

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12 new jobs created by the Generative AI era

12 new jobs created by the Generative AI era | Edumorfosis.Work |

Join Bernard Marr as we delve into the exciting world of new career opportunities emerging from the rapid advancement of generative AI. While the discourse often leans towards AI replacing jobs, the focus here shifts to the innovative roles generative AI is creating, marking a paradigm shift in the workforce.

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AI will transform the Global Economy. Let’s make sure it benefits humanity

AI will transform the Global Economy. Let’s make sure it benefits humanity | Edumorfosis.Work |

We are on the brink of a technological revolution that could jumpstart productivity, boost global growth and raise incomes around the world. Yet it could also replace jobs and deepen inequality.

The rapid advance of artificial intelligence has captivated the world, causing both excitement and alarm, and raising important questions about its potential impact on the global economy. The net effect is difficult to foresee, as AI will ripple through economies in complex ways. What we can say with some confidence is that we will need to come up with a set of policies to safely leverage the vast potential of AI for the benefit of humanity.

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How seven different professions are using AI technologies

How seven different professions are using AI technologies | Edumorfosis.Work |

Artificial intelligence (AI) ranks among the most notable innovations of the 21st century. It has impacted various sectors. Whether you work as a blue-collar or office worker, chances are your company has already started adopting AI systems.

Although astounding, you might find the fast-paced developments overwhelming. Many end up underutilizing or misusing AI. To help you master AI, let’s discuss how you can maximize platforms that suit your profession.

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Qué podemos esperar de la Inteligencia Artificial de acá a cinco años

Qué podemos esperar de la Inteligencia Artificial de acá a cinco años | Edumorfosis.Work |

En concreto, el experto dice que dispondremos de redes generativas que permitirá diseñar inteligentemente autos, aviones, arquitectura y procesos eficientes. Se tratará de una inteligencia generativa con mayor pragmatismo, comparada con la que conocemos ahora. “Es decir que la GenAI tendrá un uso más orientado a resolver problemas donde la creatividad es uno de los aspectos centrales”, acota.

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7 tips for implementing Generative AI in your organization

7 tips for implementing Generative AI in your organization | Edumorfosis.Work |

There is no doubt about it: generative AI is a transformative technology – a revolutionary tool that will change how we work. However, adopting any transformative technology requires careful thought. It's not just a case of "futz around and see."


If there's one thing I've learned from my long career consulting with organizations, it's that transformation never starts with the technology itself. You can't just tell everyone in your business to start experimenting with ChatGPT right away because there are very real challenges and limitations. (For example, you can't have your sales team uploading customer data to a tool like ChatGPT because that could potentially expose people's personal data.)

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Inteligencia Artificial en el Trabajo de Oficina

Inteligencia Artificial en el Trabajo de Oficina | Edumorfosis.Work |

¿Alguna vez te has preguntado cómo la inteligencia artificial (IA), la realidad virtual (RV) y la robótica están redefiniendo el concepto tradicional de trabajo de oficina? Este artículo desentraña el impacto de estas tecnologías en el ámbito laboral, abordando desde la automatización hasta la ética de la IA, y cómo prepararse para el futuro que ya está aquí.

La inteligencia artificial (IA) está revolucionando la forma en que trabajamos, especialmente en el entorno de oficina, al automatizar una serie de tareas mecánicas y repetitivas. Esto no solo aumenta la eficiencia y reduce los errores humanos, sino que también permite a los empleados enfocarse en tareas más estratégicas y creativas. A continuación, se detalla una lista de procesos mecánicos en los que la IA puede ser de gran ayuda en la oficina:

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Tech Job Seekers without AI skills face a new reality: Lower salaries and fewer roles

Tech Job Seekers without AI skills face a new reality: Lower salaries and fewer roles | Edumorfosis.Work |

The rise of artificial intelligence is affecting job seekers in tech who, accustomed to high paychecks and robust demand for their skills, are facing a new reality: Learn AI and don’t expect the same pay packages you were getting a few years ago. 

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The future of Generative AI: 6 predictions everyone should know about

The future of Generative AI: 6 predictions everyone should know about | Edumorfosis.Work |

Generative AI is an utterly transformative technology that is already impacting how organizations and individuals work. But what does the future have in store for this incredible technology? Read on for my top predictions.

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Making an image with Generative AI uses as much energy as charging your phone

Making an image with Generative AI uses as much energy as charging your phone | Edumorfosis.Work |

In fact, generating an image using a powerful AI model takes as much energy as fully charging your smartphone, according to a new study by researchers at the AI startup Hugging Face and Carnegie Mellon University. However, they found that using an AI model to generate text is significantly less energy-intensive. Creating text 1,000 times only uses as much energy as 16% of a full smartphone charge. 

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Let’s not make the same mistakes with AI that we made with Social Media

Let’s not make the same mistakes with AI that we made with Social Media | Edumorfosis.Work |

Oh, how the mighty have fallen. A decade ago, social media was celebrated for sparking democratic uprisings in the Arab world and beyond. Now front pages are splashed with stories of social platforms’ role in misinformation, business conspiracy, malfeasance, and risks to mental health. In a 2022 survey, Americans blamed social media for the coarsening of our political discourse, the spread of misinformation, and the increase in partisan polarization.

Today, tech’s darling is artificial intelligence. Like social media, it has the potential to change the world in many ways, some favorable to democracy. But at the same time, it has the potential to do incredible damage to society.

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¿Quién mandará en la Inteligencia Artificial?

¿Quién mandará en la Inteligencia Artificial? | Edumorfosis.Work |

La carrera por la hegemonía en la era de la Inteligencia Artificial ha comenzado entre China, EE.UU. y Europa; entre consorcios tecnológicos y emprendimientos. ¿Quién llevará la delantera en una tecnología clave para el futuro de la humanidad?


El reportaje acompaña a figuras clave de la industria tecnológica, la ciencia y la política que trabajan en todo el mundo en el desarrollo de la inteligencia artificial y que tienen que tomar decisiones con amplias consecuencias en un brevísimo espacio de tiempo. ¿Cómo aprovechar el potencial de esta tecnología y al mismo tiempo evitar que desemboque en una distopía? Las posibilidades que brinda la super-infraestructura prometen ser tan ilimitadas como los riesgos existenciales que comportan: de la desinformación y manipulación electoral hasta nuevas formas de guerra y control social.


El reportaje se centra en tres empresarios cuyos emprendimientos se cuentan entre los principales actores en el campo de la inteligencia artificial generativa: Jonas Andrulis de Aleph Alpha (Alemania), Thomas Wolf de la plataforma de código abierto Hugging Face (Francia) y Han Xiao de (China). El director Dominik Bretsch acompaña a los tres pioneros de la inteligencia artificial desde la primavera de 2023, cuando la tecnología se convirtió por primera vez en un fenómeno de masas, hasta las turbulencias desatadas en torno a OpenAI. Para los tres se trata de capital, influencia y la supervivencia económica en un mundo trepidante e implacablemente competitivo que se transforma a un ritmo mayor que ningún otro. China se ha impuesto lograr el predominio tecnológico en todo el mundo. Exactamente lo que EE. UU. también quiere. Y Europa tiene que encontrar su propio camino entre ambas superpotencias. El que se quede atrás no obtendrá una segunda oportunidad. El reportaje ofrece una visión de un mundo, el de las tecnológicas, normalmente hermético, y muestra a las personas que trabajan en la realización de esta revolución técnica.

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[PDF] 2023-24 skills snapshot survey report

[PDF] 2023-24 skills snapshot survey report | Edumorfosis.Work |

Skills-based practices backed by technology and data put businesses in good stead for the future of work, which demands more agility and foresight from employers. There are a number of other specific advantages for businesses. Indeed, businesses report that skills-based practices benefit them by:

  • Improving attraction and retention of critical skills
  • Enhancing workforce productivity
  • Improving workforce agility
  • Broadening career paths and furthering employee development
  • Instilling a culture of learning

Skills-based talent management can also provide clarity around job expectations, better align talent to changes in demand, and improve adaptability (which is particularly important given the way automation and AI are set to change jobs).

In comparison, fewer employers are implementing skills-based rewards programs. There’s an untapped opportunity here — one that comes with many potential benefits. So what might these benefits be? 

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AI helps workers be efficient if they don't "fall asleep at the wheel"

AI helps workers be efficient if they don't "fall asleep at the wheel" | Edumorfosis.Work |

Researchers ran an experiment in which one group of consultants worked with the assistance of AI and another group did work the standard way. The results showed that the AI-assisted group outperformed the no-AI group in almost every measure of performance. However, the AI-assisted group also tended to over-rely on the computer systems, opening up the possibility of errors slipping into their work.

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Most in-demand skills for 2024 — hint, GenAI is at the top

Most in-demand skills for 2024 — hint, GenAI is at the top | Edumorfosis.Work |

The adoption of generative Artificial Intelligence (GenAI) has shuffled the list of top skills businesses want from professionals in 2024, according to a new job site study and education industry data. Far from replacing workers, GenAI appears poised to transform the way technologists and others work, allowing them to focus more on creative tasks such as product development, and less on mundane tasks that can be automated.

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Worried an AI is going to take your job? Here’s how to stay relevant in the Generative AI era

Worried an AI is going to take your job? Here’s how to stay relevant in the Generative AI era | Edumorfosis.Work |

Analysis by the International Monetary Fund found that almost 40% of all global employment may be affected by AI, and in advanced economies, the figure could be as high as 60%. But don’t be alarmed. That doesn’t mean 40 to 60% of jobs will disappear altogether. Instead, it means that AI automation is likely to take away, streamline or enhance some of the tasks associated with those jobs. For the most part, then, we're talking about the augmentation of human jobs. We’re talking about humans working alongside AI tools, not being replaced by them.


But still, with the many headlines about the transformative nature of generative AI, it’s no wonder people are concerned about their jobs or just concerned about being left behind by this rapidly advancing technology. In this article, we’ll explore my top tips for staying relevant in the age of generative AI.

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Is it possible to concentrate to the maximum in the age of distractions? 

Is it possible to concentrate to the maximum in the age of distractions?  | Edumorfosis.Work |

Our ability to concentrate is decreasing year by year. While in 2014 we could pay attention to a video for two and a half minutes, today that figure is down to 47 seconds. In a hyper-connected world that encourages multitasking, it’s not easy to focus on what we’re doing. Notifications, video calls, meetings and so on. We find ourselves in an era of perpetual interruptions, where information flows like an incessant river that threatens to sweep us away in its current.

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[PDF] Megatrends 2024: Por delante del futuro

[PDF] Megatrends 2024: Por delante del futuro | Edumorfosis.Work |

Lanzamos la tercera edición de Megatrends, el informe fruto del conocimiento de los expertos de nuestro Think Tank Future Trends Forum, en el que nos adelantamos a las tendencias de innovación que marcarán el futuro de la humanidad. En esta nueva edición de Megatrends hemos profundizado en diez tendencias emergentes que tienen el potencial de redefinir aspectos fundamentales de nuestra vida, desde la inteligencia artificial y la neurociencia hasta el futuro de las ciudades y la salud.


La Inteligencia Artificial Generativa será la llave que abra paso a una nueva fuerza de trabajo híbrida, en la que humanos e IA trabajarán codo con codo. Lo harán muy probablemente en equipos especializados con modelos especializados, más allá de los generalistas que eclosionaron en 2023. La integración de los roles de humanos y máquinas transformará las profesiones. Todo ello, por supuesto, con sus correspondientes interrogantes éticos, que habrá que resolver.

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From video to virtual worlds, companies are mixing their collaboration methods

From video to virtual worlds, companies are mixing their collaboration methods | Edumorfosis.Work |

After the boom of 2020 and 2021, some companies experienced a wave of hybrid work arrangements. Others may have tried—with varying success—to bring everyone back to the office.

Many are settling into new rhythms, developing goals and processes that support work-life balance without sacrificing company objectives.


Our main observation? The companies that are thriving in a new era of collaboration understand values and practices are still evolving.


We loved this wisdom from DXC Technology, featuring insights from DXC Head of XR Nathalie Vancluysen, because it aligns with what we see in the market, too:

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El futuro del aprendizaje está funcionando: Cómo potenciar el desarrollo de habilidades en el lugar de trabajo

El futuro del aprendizaje está funcionando: Cómo potenciar el desarrollo de habilidades en el lugar de trabajo | Edumorfosis.Work |

El sistema educativo tradicional ya está resquebrajado. Siempre ha existido una brecha sustancial entre lo que se enseña en la escuela y la universidad y lo que se necesita en el mundo laboral. Lo escuchamos regularmente de los empleadores. Los líderes empresariales dicen cada vez más que los graduados están calificados en teoría pero no en la práctica: necesitan un promedio de 11 meses de entrenamiento en el trabajo antes de ser completamente efectivos en su papel.

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Inteligencia Artificial y el Futuro del Trabajo en las Organizaciones: Desafíos y oportunidades  (Parte I)

Inteligencia Artificial y el Futuro del Trabajo en las Organizaciones: Desafíos y oportunidades  (Parte I) | Edumorfosis.Work |

La inteligencia artificial (IA) ha emergido como una fuerza disruptiva en el panorama laboral, transformando la manera en que las organizaciones operan y los individuos desempeñan sus funciones. Desde la automatización de tareas rutinarias hasta la creación de nuevas oportunidades laborales, la IA nos está remodelando el futuro del trabajo de una manera sin precedentes.

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20 emerging technologies that will change the world 

This video explores 20 emerging technologies and their future. Watch this next video about the 10 stages of AI.

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Accelerating a trustworthy future for AI

Accelerating a trustworthy future for AI | Edumorfosis.Work |

Today, artificial intelligence (AI) is embedded in nearly every sector of life, from retail and government to health care, and its adoption is only expected to grow. Organizations are harnessing this technology to better serve customers, help employees with productivity, create jobs, grow their businesses, and more.

Yet, while AI promises unprecedented opportunities to benefit business and society alike, many are realizing the risks of this widespread technology. To ensure AI can deliver to its full potential, IBM is embedding ethical principles into AI applications and processes to build systems based on trust. This approach is helping organizations cut down on misuse and prepare for governmental regulations. 

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El nuevo liderazgo con la Inteligencia Artificial en el mundo del trabajo y la gestión en empresas e instituciones 

El nuevo liderazgo con la Inteligencia Artificial en el mundo del trabajo y la gestión en empresas e instituciones  | Edumorfosis.Work |

Los Sistemas de IA pueden aliviar a los ejecutivos de las actividades rutinarias y darles tiempo para la gestión de personal, la planificación estratégica y la gestión del cambio en la era de la IA. Sin embargo, la automatización de las tareas de gestión apoyada por IA plantea cuestiones de protección de datos y legislación laboral, así como cuestiones organizativas y, por lo tanto, puede inquietar a los empleados. Las personas siempre deben ser el centro de atención, es más, deben ser el origen de las cosas que queremos que sucedan. 

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The labor market for recent college graduates 

The labor market for recent college graduates  | Edumorfosis.Work |

Labor market conditions for recent college graduates cooled somewhat at the end of 2023 but generally remained solid. While the unemployment rate rose to 4.8%, the underemployment rate was little changed at 40.3%, remaining below its pre-pandemic level.

This web feature tracks employment data for recent college graduates since 1990, allowing for a historical perspective on the experience of those moving into the labor market.

The interactive charts allow users to:

  1. compare the unemployment rate for recent college graduates with that of other groups
  2. monitor the underemployment rate of recent college graduates
  3. gauge the earnings of recent college graduates against workers holding only a high school diploma
Edumorfosis's insight:

Un estudio reciente publicado en el American Educational Research Association Journal encontró que las carreras de Ingeniería y Cias. de Cómputos, proporcionan los mayores rendimientos en ganancias de por vida, seguidas por las carreras de Negocios, Cias. de la Salud, Matemáticas y Ciencias. Las carreras de Educación, Humanidades y Bellas Artes, tuvieron los rendimientos más bajos de los 10 campos de estudio consideradosen el estudio. 

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